Sanctuary; Where Is It?

by Rev. Karen Hutt
Do you have a special place where you feel safe? Is it your garden, a cabin, or that favorite easy chair? Sanctuary has many meaning and expressions. Come and explore the cultural, social, and spiritual contexts for sanctuary through a historical lens.
The Rev. Karen Hutt has been a UU minster and educator for over 20 years. She lives in the Twin Cities with her partner the Rev. Ashley Horan and their two daughters Aspen and Zi. Rev. Hutt serves as Vice President for Formation, Vocation, and Experience at United Theological Seminary and is the editor of The Call to Care; Essays by Unitarian Universalist Chaplains, which is available for purchase HERE. She has preached at the Fellowship before, and we are delighted to have her among us again for this service, and for the pastoral care team training she will also lead.