Call for Photos & Videos
We need your smiles and your voices
“Flourishing” Theme
Take a photo of something that means Flourishing to you.
Short (30-60 second) video of you or someone in your family sharing why you love the Fellowship, why you participate with or support the Fellowship, or why you are still active during this pandemic. Remember, keep it short and sweet!
You or someone in your family singing (a capella is fine!) our beloved welcoming song, “Enter rejoice and log in, enter rejoice and log in, today will be a joyful day, enter rejoice and log in!”
Once you have your photo or video ready, our preferred method for submission is via this Google Form.
You need a Google account to use the form, but if you’ve ever used Google Docs, you might already have one! Google accounts can be created with your current email address, a Gmail address is not required.
If you do not have a Google account, please email your submissions to
We need permission from every adult and child’s guardian who appears in the submissions in order to share these photos and videos on Zoom and archive them on YouTube. Please “agree” on the form to the permissions, or reply promptly to permission emails if you submit via our email address.
If you need help with technology, let us know by emailing and we can connect you to someone who might be able to help troubleshoot.
For a 3 minute video on how to use your Android Phone to make a video click HERE.
For a 3 minute video on how to use your iPhone to make a video click HERE.
Tips for successful photos and videos:
1. Have a light source (lamp or window) in front of you rather than behind you.
2. Minimize background clutter to help viewers focus on you.
3. Place your device on a flat surface or use a tripod at eye level.
4. For “selfie” photos: Ensure your sentence is able to be read clearly in the picture.
5. For videos: Film yourself with the camera horizontal, not vertical.6. For videos: Turn off notifications on your device or other distractions.