Hands On Service

Show up and do it! Little to no advanced preparation involved.


= 1-2 hours per month

= 3-4 hours per month

= 4+ hours per month

Membership in the Fellowship is required.

Voted by the membership.

Application is required


Welcome people to the sanctuary, pass out orders of service, take the offering.

Email Rev. Christina to share your interest in becoming an Usher.


Welcome people when they come in, help visitors get settled, and answer any questions they might have.

Email Rev. Christina to share your interest in becoming a Welcomer.

Sunday Service Host

Our 9:00 am hosts set up for the Sunday Coffeehouse Service, and help clean up afterwards.

Our 10:45 am hosts set up the chalice and other miscellaneous items, hosts the Zoom during service, and straightens up afterwards.

Email Rev. Christina to share your interest in becoming a Sunday Service Host.

Coffee Host

Make coffee for Sunday mornings and set out goodies to support the Fellowship’s hospitality and welcome. Coffee hosts also clean up afterwards.

Email Rev. Christina to share your interest in becoming a Coffee Host.

R.E. Assistant or Guest Star

Help out in religious education 1-2x/month, or on occasion.

Do you like hanging out with young people, or do you want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism? A great way to do that is to support our RE program as an Assistant—all the fun without the responsibility of planning anything in advance! Assistants help out 1-2x/month. Guest stars share their passions and skills with our young people on occasion, whenever works for them and the RE calendar.

Email Ms. Kim to indicate your interest in supporting our RE program.

Ministry Meals

Prepare a meal for Fellowship friends who could use the help in times of need.

Email Rev. Hannah Villnave to indicate your interest in Ministry Meals.


Take home dirty laundry from Fellowship (dish rags, table cloths, etc.) about once a month and bring it back clean. It’s a very important and not difficult role to support our Fellowship’s hospitality ministries.

Email Ms. Cyndi Polakowski to indicate your interest in helping with laundry.

Choir/ Music

 Sing or make music for Fellowship services on a regular basis or on occasion.

Email Mr. John Popke to be added to the choir and/or music lists.

Garden / Grounds

Help maintain the beautiful native gardens on our property. Regular maintenance like mowing and snow removal is contracted out, so this role primarily focuses on the upkeep of our beautiful gardens.

Email Phyllis Schmitt to be added to the email list for the Garden Committee.

Monday “Fairy”

We need someone (or a team who rotates Mondays) to come in on Monday (morning to midday) to straighten up in the sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and kitchen, including light cleaning, rearranging chairs, and throwing away trash.

Email Cyndi Polakowski to be a Monday Fairy!

Event Support

Let us know if you are willing to support our events throughout the year, as hands-on help with setup, cleanup, staffing the event, bringing food, or providing other support as needed.

Email Rev. Christina to support our events!

One-and-Done Team

Help out as needed for one-off tasks like organizing a room, setting something up, taking a carload to Goodwill, or other random jobs as you are able. Indicating your interest in this team simply means you’ll receive occasional emails asking to help out, and you can respond as you are willing and able.

Email Cyndi Polakowski to be added to the One-and-Done list.