Fellowship Community Journal

I had been following news of the virus somewhat absently since news about it began to spread early in the year. As someone who’s battled anxiety her entire life, I try to keep disturbing news in perspective and at a distance. I was feeling pretty fatalistic about it: If it’s coming, it’s coming. What can I do? –Jess Thiel
The coronavirus global pandemic is a historical event. Amid the many challenges of this time, we have the unique opportunity to join people throughout time and culture who, finding themselves in unprecedented situations, pick up personal diaries.
Making it a habit to record a few thoughts, questions, memories, ideas or longings can be tremendously helpful in cultivating hope and calm, whether it’s a daily disciple or a more occasional activity. And it leaves a fun record for us and our descendants!
Let’s take it one step further at the Fellowship, and weave our individual voices into a collective tapestry. Rev. Leah will send out monthly prompts to encourage reflection. Consider writing a paragraph, page, or more (however often you might choose). She will compile them, with the intention of being able to share the collection with the community at a program or worship service sometime in the future!
March Writing Prompt
When and how did you first learn about the novel coronavirus? What kinds of conversations did you have with loved ones, and at work? How seriously did you take the threat? What did you first do to prepare for new measures of precaution, isolation, quarantine, and distancing?
April Writing Prompt
What are the most meaningful changes in your daily life as you adjust to the new normal? What’s the same and what’s different?
May Writing Prompt
What has become more clear and what has become more confusing? How are you and yours holding up?
June Writing Prompt
The season of transitions is upon us but graduations, weddings, and the like are bound to be different this year. Are you finding ways to mark what needs to be acknowledged? How are you navigating the larger (politically driven) transition of opening up businesses and services in the midst of this pandemic?
July Writing Prompt
This summer is likely different than what we might have expected and even planned. Did anything get added, altered, or subtracted in your world? What are you doing to, hopefully, enjoy some relaxation and fun?
August Writing Prompt
By now, some of the losses and changes of the new landscape are setting in, while others are still further out on the horizon. What and how are you grieving? Where is your gratitude?
September Writing Prompt
With summer winding down and fall now upon us, what new normals are emerging? When you reflect on routines and long-term changes—yours and those you might observe around you—what strikes you?
October Writing Prompt
How is your greater community responding? What reactions do you notice in your intimate circle and the wider groups you see around you? Is anxiety showing up? Hope? Creativity? Despair?
One by one, all of these things I had scheduled, months in advance, in order that I would have things to look forward to, were deleted from my calendar. The days began looking empty. A once-packed calendar, a striking balance of fun and work, was looking like a wasteland.
–Cindy Darling
Be a part of the record! Contribute your writing to [email protected].