Share the Plate
“Share the Plate” will be split with half going to support our Fellowship’s ministries, and the other half going to support a worthy organization.
Habitat for Humanity
Our Fellowship’s December 2024 Share-the-Plate Partner
Everyone Deserves a Decent Place to Live. This is Fox Cities Habitat’s vision. No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to have safe, affordable housing. We deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We deserve to know that we have the power to take care of ourselves and build our own future. Fox Cities Habitat partners with donors, volunteers, and sponsors to assist families with needed resources so they can buy and maintain their own homes. Many hardworking people face the burden of choosing between paying for housing or covering medical, food, and education expenses for their families.
All People are Welcome. Anyone who believes that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live is welcome to help regardless of race, religion, age, gender, political views, or any other distinctions that too often divide people. We do not proselytize. We focus on the evolving needs of our diverse communities to ensure all people are valued and treated with respect and dignity. We seek input, follow guidance, and include diverse perspectives as we work to eliminate inequities within the structures in which we operate. We actively create a community where safe, decent, and affordable housing is accessible for all.
To donate: Drop your offering in the collection plate or, visit Choose Online Giving or VancoPlus Mobile, select “Share the Plate”. To text a donation, text 833-278-1690, enter the $ amount, space, Share ($50 Share). Or mail a check to FVUUF (2600 Philip Lane, Appleton WI 54915) with “Share” in the memo line.
MIDDLE HOUR – Our December Engagement Focus
Have you heard? We are trying an experiment this year to expand our opportunities for adult learning and connection. Each Sunday, between the two services, there is Middle Hour from 10:10-10:50 AM. There is one (and sometimes two) offering for adults in the Legacy room and/or Brown room, as well as Fun & Friends for kids in the Potter Room.
What kinds of things are offered during Middle Hour?
– Justice actions like writing postcards to get out the vote or sending letters of support to our
UU siblings experiencing incarceration.
– Spiritual practices like mindfulness, pagan rituals, or learning about stoicism.
– Sharing space to process our feelings around various issues or events.
– Exploring theology or religious ideas, or exploring UU identity.
– Connect with our GEM engagement team– great for newcomers, longtimers, or others who
want to connect or re-connect with the Fellowship.
– And more!
If you want to find out what’s happening at Middle Hour, or if you want to offer a Middle Hour session, click the appropriate buttons on that page of our website: