Sunday July 14, 2024
Meeting Therapy Dogs!
It was an exciting day in the Religious Exploration Wing on Sunday. Our young people got to meet and learn about how therapy dogs help make the world a better place, just like UU’s. Justice and helping others is at the core of our UU values and this Sunday our young people got to consider how animals can help with this work.
“Dog parents” of trained therapy dogs met with our students to introduce Revere, Josie, Cashew, and Princess share with us what their lives are like as “Dogs With Jobs.” Students learned what therapy dogs do (help people calm down, stay calm, lower blood pressure, and raise oxytocin), how they are trained, where they live, and so much more. The dogs were proud to show off their tricks and were happy to let our young people pet them. We are thankful for our new canine friends and their owners for allowing us to have such a fun experience!
Sunday June 30, 2024 
The Religious Exploration Wing was jammin’ with PJs and Books!
Books, books, and more books! Kids, teachers, assistants, wearing marvelous pajamas! Snuggles with blankets and stuffies! Quiet reading or whispered reading in every classroom corner! Demonstrating Patience, Kindness, Sharing, and Caring for one another. Preciously handling the books. Proud teachers!
Each grouped grade level started in their own rooms. Ms. Becca read Dr. Seuss’ Hunches in Bunches to the 4K-1 class, while Ms. Jill read The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce to the 2-5 class. Reading commenced in every room after that. At the conclusion of RE, each kid left with their own personalized bookmark like the one Ms. Jill is sharing with us.
SUNDAY, June 23, 2024 — SUMMER SOLSTICE in RE! 
UU Value of Pluralism: We celebrate that we are all sacred beings diverse in culture, experience, and theology. We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We embrace our differences and commonalities with Love, curiosity, and respect.
Learning About Litha ~~
We all had a fun time learning and talking about the Pagan holiday of Litha (Lee-tha). This year, it fell on June 20. For Pagans, it is a day of happiness, success, and joy. Solar energies are at their most active and the universe is at the peak of expansion. It’s a time that represents strength, courage, and hope ~ a time to embrace the light. The kids heard about several ways to celebrate this time. Go look up some; so fun and inspiring. [Thank you Kel for putting these words together for us.]
We Made Sundials ~~
They all looked wonderful!