Consistent with our seven principles, the Fellowship is organized democratically. The congregation, by majority vote, has final authority for running the Fellowship, including policies for operation, the raising and allocation of funds and the selection of ministers.
The Governing Board articulates the Fellowship’s vision through its governing policies (see link below) and monitors the work of the Executive Team, known as the X-Team. The X-Team includes the Senior Minister, Director of Finance and Operations and Assistant Minister. The X-Team makes the decisions about how things happen here and the operation policies.
Minutes of our Board meetings are available for review by members upon request. Please contact the Fellowship office for more information.
Meetings occur on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. The Governing Board wants to hear from you. We are setting aside five minutes at the beginning of every Board meeting for a “time for congregants” to come and speak to the Board on any topic they wish, for up to five minutes. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Governing Board is responsible for creating the mission and vision in consultation with the congregation, and recommending updates to the mission and vision for approval by the Fellowship’s members. The Board also sets governing policies and works with the X-Team to create and implement a strategic plan. The strategic plan forecasts goals and strategies for three years into the future, and each year we adjust the plan given new information and circumstances.
View the 2023-2024 Fellowship Strategic Plan HERE!
Mission and Vision Statement
Approved June 7, 2023
We welcome seekers, build loving community, and act courageously for justice
Guided by our Unitarian Universalist values we:
Welcome Seekers
We embrace each person as their authentic self.
We foster curiosity and wonder in people of all ages.
We explore spirituality from diverse sources.
We balance passion with open-mindedness.
Build Loving Community
We create an inclusive and compassionate community.
We nurture personal spiritual growth and involvement in congregational life.
We use our abundant gifts to sustain vibrant programs and traditions.
We reach out to each other and to our borderless world with love and radical kindness.
Act Courageously For Justice
We choose love over fear, individually and collectively.
We engage deeply in the work of challenging assumptions, biases, and privilege.
We collaborate with partners to build a more just and equitable world.
If you would like to share your thoughts, or have questions or concerns, please email the board at [email protected].
Dana Johnson, President
Justin Fisher, Vice President
Patrick Mitchell, Treasurer
Erin Vandenlangenberg,
Board Members-at-Large
Beth Belmore
Beth De Stasio
Brian Murton
Christine Wales
Marti Wheeler
Financial and Operational Resources
January 2025 Governing Board Agenda