Tag Archive for: Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

Waiting for a Miracle

Waiting for a Miracle

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

Thomas Jefferson famous excised any mention of “miracles” from the Bible. Ralph Waldo Emerson rejected the notion of miracles apart from human agency. Yet, about 80% of Americans believe in miracles. How does science-minded Unitarian Universalism understand miracles and where, at the beginning of the holiday season, might we find them today?

Living in the Cathedral of the World

Living in the Cathedral of the World

by Rev. Kathleen C. Rolenz with John Newhall

In 2011, I found myself in one of the actual “cathedrals of the world,” a metaphor that Forrest Church has used in his books to describe our Universalist theology. Universalism believes there are many windows that reveal one light. I felt so alive in that sacred space and then I walked out the door into the city that surrounded it.

Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand

by Rev. Kathleen C. Rolenz

It’s just two days before a historic election when Americans are given a choice to vote for a candidate that best represents their values. It feels as if the country has never been more divided by issues of race, class, citizenship and what it means to be an American. While enduring the rhetoric around this election season has been painful, it has also brought into sharp relief the values of a nation that are worth voting for. No coincidentally, the theme for this month is “Tell me a story about a time when you felt most alive.” Certainly the month of November will be such a time!

Divided We Stand Nov 6 2016

Fearful Words

Fearful Words

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

There are some words we never say, but wish we had. There are some words that we’ve heard that we hope to never hear again. Whether in our daily and/or religious life, what are words that we can freely use, words that require explanation, and words that we never want to hear spoken in the Fellowship?

10-10-2016 Fearful Words

Afraid of Fear?

Afraid of Fear?

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

What, exactly, are we afraid of? The top fear that Americans report are corruption of government, followed by cyber terrorism and corporate tracking of personal data. However, Americans also report being afraid of insects, ghosts and speaking in public. The theme for this month is “Tell me a Story about a time when you faced your fears.” We’ll look together at both real and imagined fears and provide a useful, daily antidote to fear.

Afraid of Fear 10.9.16

Heaven, Hell and Everything In Between

Heaven, Hell and Everything In Between

with Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

Harpeth Rising is a a three-piece acoustic band whose music reflects age old questions of heaven, hell, fate and grace. Rev. Rolenz will weave her sermon around the lyrics of Harpeth Rising, who will perform in concert the night before. We’re excited to welcome this trio to the Fellowship’s Sunday morning service for a service of musical and spiritual reflection on important themes.

Tell Me a Story

Tell Me a Story

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

Our lives are made up of individual and overlapping stories. Sometimes we understand those stories, and other times we don’t know what they mean until we share our story with others. This year, our overarching theme will be to answer the question “Tell Me a Story About…” This particular service will feature an extended congregational response time, so as to be able to tell, and to listen, to each other’s experience.

A Service for All Ages Mingling of the Waters 2016

A Service for All Ages Mingling of the Waters 2016

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz and Rev. Leah Hart-Landsberg

The Mingling of the Waters Service is an annual tradition at the Fellowship. Bring water from a special place you’ve been this summer (including from your own backyard!) and we’ll combine it into a common bowl as a way to symbolize how our many streams combine to meet and merge as we begin the Fellowship year. This service  includes an All Ages Focus, plenty of special music, a flowing river and more!

When the Center Does Not Hold

When the Center Does Not Hold

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz


When the Center Does Not Hold8.28.16


What the Seed Needs: An Earth Day Revels Service

What the Seed Needs: An Earth Day Revels Service

Message by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

This multigenerational service will celebrate Earth Day in grand “revels” style – with storytelling, special music, and playing in the dirt! We’ll also hear from the newly formed Green Sanctuary Committee, who will be asking the congregation at the Annual Meeting if they will support the Fellowship’s application to be a Green Sanctuary Fellowship. Much singing, laughter and interactive activity is expected!

Story: The Everything Seed A Story of Beginnings by Carole Martignacco, Illustrated by Joy Troyer