What We Believe
Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious community that doesn’t identify with any one creed or belief system. We are a vibrant community welcoming all, regardless of background, who wish to grow spiritually.
Who we are
Unitarian Universalism includes people who are inspired by Christianity, Buddhism, atheism, agnosticism, Hinduism, Humanism, Judaism, Islam, Paganism, and other diverse and divergent spiritual inclinations. As a faith, we don’t identify exclusively with any of these, but offer ways of deepening spirituality on whatever path each individual chooses.
Religious exploration
We help our children develop their spiritual curiosity and appreciation for life’s gifts through celebrating and learning from all of the world’s religions. You are invited to join us on this journey. Whether you are a member, friend, or visitor, you are welcome to attend our services and other events.
Guiding principles of Unitarian Universalism
We promote and affirm these guiding principles:
• The inherent worth and dignity of every person
• Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
• Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations
• A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
• The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and society at large
• The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
• Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
The Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a Welcoming Congregation, which means we affirm same-sex marriage and the equal rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. ALL are welcome here.
Learn More
Voices of a Liberal Faith Video – This 10 minute video shares important background information and inspirational messages about our religion, including our history, theology, worship experience, religious education, social justice, and inclusiveness.
Unitarian Universalism on One Foot – a 5 minute video by Rev. Christine Robinson
The Flaming Chalice – the symbol of our faith
Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Queer Community and Justice
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee – The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is a nonsectarian human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. We work anywhere rights are threatened – by natural disasters, armed conflicts, genocide, forced migration, and systematic injustice.
UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association, celebrates liberal religion and the people it inspires. Meet extraordinary individuals, see how Unitarian Universalist communities put their values into action, and explore the ideas and traditions that ground them.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a religious organization that combined two traditions, the Universalists and the Unitarians, in 1961.
The Fellowship is part of the MidAmerica Region.
The Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Mission and Vision Statements:
We welcome seekers, build loving community, and act courageously for justice
Guided by our Unitarian Universalist values we:
Welcome Seekers
We embrace each person as their authentic self.
We foster curiosity and wonder in people of all ages.
We explore spirituality from diverse sources.
We balance passion with open-mindedness.
Build Loving Community
We create an inclusive and compassionate community.
We nurture personal spiritual growth and involvement in congregational life.
We use our abundant gifts to sustain vibrant programs and traditions.
We reach out to each other and to our borderless world with love and radical kindness.
Act Courageously For Justice
We choose love over fear, individually and collectively.
We engage deeply in the work of challenging assumptions, biases, and privilege.
We collaborate with partners to build a more just and equitable world.
Learn more about how we are in community together by reading our Principles for a Healthy Congregation.