Building Dedication Service

Greetings: Mr. Tim Hanna, Mayor of Appleton
Ms. Dori Davenport Thexton, Congregational Life Consultant with the Mid America Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Rev. Don Southworth, Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association
Sermon: “Home: Sanctuary or Basecamp?” by Rev. Peter Morales, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Offering for World Relief: Ms. Kathy Flores, Diversity Coordinator of the City of Appleton, and a member of the Fellowship
Act of Dedication: Led by Mr. Eric Riggers, President of the Fellowship’s Governing Board
President: With gratitude to all those who laid the solid foundations of Unitarian Universalism and the courageous band of free-thinkers who opened the doors of this Fellowship in 1955,
All: With gratitude to those who helped create this place by giving so generously of their time, energy, vision and treasure; and with gratitude to those whose labor turned our dreams into the reality of wood and stone, carpet and shingle,
President: And with gratitude to the Spirit of Life that fills us with possibility and abundance,
All: We dedicate this new spiritual home. May this be a place where we welcome everyone, embracing diversity as together we explore the mysteries of the universe and face a shared future.
President: May this be a place where we grow in mind and spirit as together we make meaning of life. May this be a place where we encounter the beauty of humanity and our world.
All: May this be a place where we lead in social justice by reaching out in service and solidarity. We dedicate ourselves to making our own hearts and our greater communities more just and compassionate.
President: May this be a place where generations come together as we minister to one another, sharing joys and sorrows and celebrating together the events and seasons of our lives.
All: May this be a place of memory and hope, where we revel in our past while opening to our present. We dedicate ourselves to making this home a spiritual legacy for future generations.
Song: “Let’s Make the Circle Bigger” written and performed by Be Alford with Erik Leveille