Tag Archive for: Kim Hartman

BATs (Being a Teenager ) Sunday

BATs (Being a Teenager ) Sunday

Introduction to BATs Program – Kim Hartman, Director of Religious Education
Credo Statements – Lily Altmann, Bella Treece, Zachary Handwerker, Adrian Sieck, Liam Spoehr
Join our BATs (Being a Teenager) high school age youth for a service to hear their credo statements and a service to replenish our resilience.

Bridging Sunday

Bridging Sunday

Reflections by Fellowship Bridgers Aaron Thibodeau, Lilly Wait, and Rose Williams
Reflection on Religious Education by Kim Hartman, Director of Religious Education
Our annual tradition of honoring our “bridgers” — youth crossing the metaphorical bridge to young adulthood– continues this Sunday. We will honor these wonderful young people and celebrate what comes next in their lives, while also celebrating our Religious Education program and learn a bit about the future of RE.

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

with Kim Hartman, director of religious education, and the UU Identity Class
Our high school UU Identity class will lead us in worship to explore what it means to be a UU, and to create a perfectly imperfect community. As we near the end of our year of Healing & Wholeness, our youth will remind us what it means to be both imperfect, and whole.

  • Reflection Liam Spoehr
  • Reading Zach Handwerker
  • Reflection Lilly Wait
  • Reflection Olivia Bauer-Shimek
  • Reading Lily Altmann
  • Reflection Adrian Sieck

Teaching and Learning Congregation

Teaching and Learning Congregation

by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy and Kim Hartman, Director of Religious Education

When we think about Religious Education, we often think of a particular program, a particular wing of our building, and lots of little kids. But what if our whole congregation was a teaching and learning laboratory for lifelong growth in mind and spirit? Come explore the future of religious education with our director of religious education, Kim Hartman, and our senior minister, Christina Leone-Tracy.

Flower Communion 2018

Flower Communion 2018



by Rev. Christina Leone-Tracy
with Kim Hartman, Director of Religious Education

Bring a flower (or several) to share, as we celebrate our annual Unitarian Universalist tradition of Flower Communion, and learn more about the powerful history of this festival of diversity.