
Show your love for people in this community.


= 1-2 hours per month

= 3-4 hours per month

= 4+ hours per month

Membership in the Fellowship is required.

Voted by the membership.

Application is required

Care Team

 Offer a listening presence to Fellowship folks in times of need. Training and support is offered for members of this team, and if you are selected to serve in this way, you will be required to complete a criminal background check and a confidentiality agreement.

JAMS and Justice Ministries

Work with a team support causes for justice in our community and wider world.

Create a new JAM – Determine if there is interest, with staff support, and start a new JAM to work on addressing a justice issue in the community.

Email Rev. Hannah to indicate your interest in joining the JAMs or starting a new one.

Religious Education teaching, facilitating, or mentoring

Work with our wonderful young people in a way that supports their learning, growth, and exploration as members of this borderless world. If you are selected to serve in one of these roles you will be required to pass a criminal background check and sign a code of ethical conduct.

To serve in our nursery with our youngest UUs is a joy and an important ministry of welcome to their families.

Email Ms. Kim Hartman to indicate your interest in serving as an RE or Youth teacher, facilitator, or mentor, or if you’d like to assist in our nursery.

Small Group Leader

Lead a social or affinity group. These groups provide informal care to each other in many ways, and also provide opportunities for friendship, connection, fun, and deep conversation.

Email Rev. Christina if you want more information about small groups or how to start one at the Fellowship.