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Afraid of Fear?

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

What, exactly, are we afraid of? The top fear that Americans report are corruption of government, followed by cyber terrorism and corporate tracking of personal data. However, Americans also report being afraid of insects, ghosts and speaking in public. The theme for this month is “Tell me a Story about a time when you faced your fears.” We’ll look together at both real and imagined fears and provide a useful, daily antidote to fear.


Hold a Lantern

by Rev. Leah Hart-Landsberg Forgiveness is hard work, spiritually but also practically. Long ago the poet Rumi compared the process of taking responsibility, apologizing and making amends to holding up […]


Tell Me a Story

by Rev. Kathleen Rolenz Our lives are made up of individual and overlapping stories. Sometimes we understand those stories, and other times we don’t know what they mean until we […]


Pickup Trucks and Priuses: Are we truly all welcome?

by Marie Blohowiak

While our mission statement states that we welcome everyone, does that really mean everyone? What if someone doesn’t listen to NPR? Or hunts? Or is Republican? As Congregational Life Coordinator, I want to believe that everyone who walks in the door will feel comfortable being their true self, and not have to hide any part of them. What are the ways we don’t realize we are making people uncomfortable?


Living in the ‘What If’?

by Dee Verkuilen

What if we lived life in “what ifs” (present and future)? Two words that have the potential to nudge, if not push, you from your comfort zone? Going beyond just a thought to entertain, and moving toward words and actions. Let’s explore some “what ifs”.


Living Our Covenant

by Jim Coakley

Our covenant based faith asks us to radically uphold the inherent worth and dignity of everyone. How can our congregation live up to such a lofty goal?


This I Believe (July 2016)

by Parnee Frederick, Nate Tapio, Jenna Peeples and Bill Carlson

As you come into the sanctuary, you may sit next to friends or complete strangers. Ever wonder what brought them here? Each year a panel of diverse persons—some of whom you may have met, and some not at all–give us intriguing glimpses into their spiritual journeys in the “This I Believe Service.”